Friday, June 4, 2010

027 -"Just do your best and the rest will come, and we'll see you soon."

Josh already wrote about the town house, and I'm sure if you're reading my blog, you've probably already read his. It fell into our laps on Wednesday, we fell in love with it on Thursday, and today we cut off ties with Laurel Valley. It was so fast; it was so good. And such a blessing. God keeps doing this really cool thing where he messes up our original plans with a surprise blessing. He's like, "You just have to trust me. I can take care of you better than you can, and I can give you the things that you didn't even know you wanted." It's humbling, and it's beautiful.
I've got Needle & Thread by Sleeping At Last stuck in my head. I highly recommend checking them out! SO GOOD.

G'night, webzones.

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