Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 109 - We have such wonderful friends!

Last night, Josh and I attended our respective bachelor/ette parties.

I can't express how much it ministered to my worn out spirit to be surrounded by a bunch of my best girl friends for a few hours, haha. I was so blessed by the brownies that the Diehl girls made for me... gluten free, dairy free, sugar free = so yummy for my tummy. It's just a small thing, but it meant a lot to me that they gave me something sweet to eat without the risk of getting sick. The whole get together just really blessed me :) And dude. I was given a slotted wooden spoon, a bamboo salad bowl, and the coolest metal / wooden measuring cups I've ever seen.. I can't wait to use them, haha. The comforter set for our bed is very elegant and I love it.. Oh and Aunt Linda gave me a crock pot! AWESOME. Obviously I got some other super cute stuff ;) which was a blast to go through.

Josh's guy friends hit the nail on the head with his surprise: They rented out his favorite arcade and gave him endless tokens... He was in heaven! He said a bunch of his good guy friends came out and he really enjoyed himself. I was thrilled when I heard what they'd planned for him.. So "josh." I know that he had a BLAST!

Tonight is my last 'date' with my parents before I'm married and I'm leaving them. I'm looking forward to it... We're doing the classic "dinner and a movie" thing. I like my parents and I'm looking forward to what wisdom I'm sure they'll pass along this evening :) It's really hit me this week that i'm LEAVING them, haha. No turning back. I'm leaving the house I grew up the most in, and I'm leaving my family. I'm thrilled! about my new house and my new family, but you know. It's like.. bittersweet. Emphasis on the sweet, though :P I'M SO EXCITED.

Since I'm going out with my parents, though, I'm missing Jordan's last race of the summer :( which means I'll prrrrobably miss him getting to stand up there on the podium. It's not a sure thing that he'll place, but I'm pretty confident that he'll be up there.. it's a bummer that I'm missing it..

OKAY I need to run a lot of errands today. Lebanon, Rivergate, Hermitage, and Providence.. lots of driving. Better start heading for the door, haha. FOUR MORE DAYS OMG

Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 107 - A Conviction

I have to believe that we're more than the decisions we make. I have to believe there's grace beyond the actions we take: I am not what I do. I am who God made me. Nothing I do, even the things that contradict His design for me, changes who I am. If it did, we'd all be screwed; there would be no hope.

You are not defined by what you do. You are defined by who God says you are.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

101- Romanania!

I just made a pretty good romaine-banana smoothie. I threw some cinnamon in there too, to spice it up. SO YUMMY.

I am so overwhelmed at the prospect of cleaning and packing up my room. It's really hitting me that I'm leaving this place. I'm so excited about our little townhouse, and i'm even more excited about living with my best friend and figuring out how to make it work :) :) I'm really excited.

Anyway, so my room is a mess, and I keep trying to start, but I haven't gotten very far, haha. Probably because when I say, "I keep trying to start," I mean "I keep looking at my room, getting overwhelmed, thinking, 'i'll start this later' and walking out," hahaha. True story. TOMORROW FOR REAL.

This post has been a little challenging due to the fact that my space bar is sticking. SO DUMB. okbye :)

Monday, August 9, 2010

093 - Happy Birthday, Joshie!

Today is my youngest brother's nineteenth birthday. He's leaving for college several hours away on Friday.. I can't believe it, and I can't believe it. I'm so proud of my little brother. He's had a tough year with lots of curve balls thrown his way. I'm proud of the way he's handled them, and his heart for the Lord is evident through it all. Like me, he struggles with identity and shame issues, so I'm praying hedges of protection around him as he's at college, in a new place full of new people.. May God bless him beyond his imaginings.

I'm missing Arcade Fire tonight because of Joshie's birthday dinner. Kind of a bummer. At least my Josh gets to go.. I introduced him to The Arcade Fire a couple years ago, and now he's a bigger fan than I am :P

Today is Day 1 of "Operation: Clean and Pack Kelli's Room." Eesh, I've got a lot to do in 20 days!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

091 - the days are flying by

I spent the night at the townhouse last night. I love it there. I slept in, and when I woke up, Josh was there working on the computer, haha! He made me breakfast (hey! you look kind of like a knight!) and we got to hang out for a couple hours before I started feeling a terrible terrible headache coming on.. I've never been diagnosed with migraines or anything, but if these headaches aren't migraines........ I can't imagine anything worse, dude. It was so bad Josh just left so I could sleep. :( I hate when I start feeling bad on one of our hang out days. IT SUCKS.

So I slept a little, laid around a lot with ice on my head, took a bath, drank a lot of water and avoided light for a few hours til the headache subsided enough for me to drive to the Taylor's, where I'm watching Josh try to figure out why his Time Crisis is being glitchy. Oh'p, he fixed it! :D

This week went by really fast. I feel like last Sunday was just a couple days ago! I learned how to do patent drawing and have done five pages worth of figures this week.. IT'S FUN. And if I can get the settings down, maybe I won't have to work at Chick-fil-A as much. Staying at home to work > fast food service.

I also went shopping for some of the random things we needed around the townhouse like a laundry basket and pens and such. I got some super cute magnets for the fridge too :P It was really fun walking through wal mart grabbing the little random things that are handy to have around. I really enjoyed it.

hhhhhhhhhhhh i'm ready to be married.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

087 - To-Do List reaction

I'm tired of having a million things to do. I'm ready for this wedding to happen.

Monday, August 2, 2010

086 -

We said goodbye to the best marketing manager we've ever had at work today. The Managerial Clique trekked to O'Charley's, where I had some really yummy sweet potato fries.. oh my gosh. Technically a cheat because they were cooked and salted and with ranch dressing, but I mean... you gotta give yourself some wiggle room or you'll just be miserable. Not to mention, we were at O'Charley's = the whole menu is one big cheat. It was a pretty good time + free meal + got paid for two hours of no work, haha. Win win win.

Yesterday, Josh and I recorded a video tour of our sweet little town house. I'm sure if you read my blog, you read his more faithfully (because he posts more faithfully, haha), so I'm sure you've already seen it. But if you haven't and you're interested, give yourself a six minute break from the interwebz and step into our humble abode.

Also, today was awesome because I stopped by the townhouse on my way to work this morning to drop off a lamp / mostly to say hi to Josh... and I got to hug him before I started at CFA. I can't wait til I get to hug him before work EVERY day. <3

Sunday, August 1, 2010

085 - Playing House

Why is bubble wrap so much fun to destroy? So satisfying.

Josh and I are at the townhouse today, setting up and organizing all the super cool gifts we got at the wedding shower the other day! I love being here with Josh. I can't wait til this is the norm.

Anyway, that's all I wanted to say. I was watching Josh set up the playstation and I just got hit with another wave of how excited I am to live with him here. Also, I can't believe we're getting married in four weeks. FOUR WEEKS omg