Tuesday, August 17, 2010

101- Romanania!

I just made a pretty good romaine-banana smoothie. I threw some cinnamon in there too, to spice it up. SO YUMMY.

I am so overwhelmed at the prospect of cleaning and packing up my room. It's really hitting me that I'm leaving this place. I'm so excited about our little townhouse, and i'm even more excited about living with my best friend and figuring out how to make it work :) :) I'm really excited.

Anyway, so my room is a mess, and I keep trying to start, but I haven't gotten very far, haha. Probably because when I say, "I keep trying to start," I mean "I keep looking at my room, getting overwhelmed, thinking, 'i'll start this later' and walking out," hahaha. True story. TOMORROW FOR REAL.

This post has been a little challenging due to the fact that my space bar is sticking. SO DUMB. okbye :)

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same way! I didn't realize how much junk i had until i had to pack it up. Good luck!
