Monday, August 2, 2010

086 -

We said goodbye to the best marketing manager we've ever had at work today. The Managerial Clique trekked to O'Charley's, where I had some really yummy sweet potato fries.. oh my gosh. Technically a cheat because they were cooked and salted and with ranch dressing, but I mean... you gotta give yourself some wiggle room or you'll just be miserable. Not to mention, we were at O'Charley's = the whole menu is one big cheat. It was a pretty good time + free meal + got paid for two hours of no work, haha. Win win win.

Yesterday, Josh and I recorded a video tour of our sweet little town house. I'm sure if you read my blog, you read his more faithfully (because he posts more faithfully, haha), so I'm sure you've already seen it. But if you haven't and you're interested, give yourself a six minute break from the interwebz and step into our humble abode.

Also, today was awesome because I stopped by the townhouse on my way to work this morning to drop off a lamp / mostly to say hi to Josh... and I got to hug him before I started at CFA. I can't wait til I get to hug him before work EVERY day. <3

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